About the Manual

This online reference is written specially for Multimedia Studies 173 (Photography in Multimedia), a production course that is part of the curriculum of the Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies (BAMS) program offered by the Faculty of Information and Communication Studies (FICS) at the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU). If you, the reader, are not a BAMS student at UPOU, there is a chance that not all the content will be useful to you. It might also be possible that you will find a hard time appreciating the flow of this manual.

Unless stated otherwise and properly attributed, all media content included in this website is the author’s original work, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



Now we have those out of the way, this is a product of teaching beginner and intermediate level photography within a college level curriculum for the past five years. It will continue to evolve and improve over time . Whichever version you come across, it is my sincere hope that you find this manual, or at least parts of it, to be as helpful in your learning more about photography as it has been for me.
